So You Think You Can Dance results show (July 12, 2007)

July 12, 2007 at 10:45 pm | Posted in So You Think You Can Dance, TV News | 1 Comment

We’re saying goodbye to two more dancers tonight, and hopefully one of them is Cedric — talented soloist, mediocre partner. But first, tonight’s group dance. It’s set to You Can’t Stop the Beat from Hairspray, as part of the whole marketing push that landed Adam Shankman on the show as a judge. But — but — they used this song for a dance last year! Repeats are lame! Plus, this Queen Latifah version is definitely not as good as the other one they used. The choreography isn’t that special, either. Thumbs down for Shankman. Where’s Tyce Diorio when you need him? Also, I love how they put Danny in the front of all the group routines. He probably won’t win, but he’s totally the best. Cat’s continuing her weak attire streak in a frilly powder-blue sixties dress and tightly pulled-back hair. We conclude by watching some rehearsal footage of Adam Shankman acting like a crazy person. Sigh, theater people. He’s got some killer splits though.

Unfortunately, it’s time to kick some folks off the show. Sabra/Dominic and Anya/Danny are first. Eeek! I like them both! Sabra and Dominic are safe, and Danny and Anya are in trouble again. What a frustrating show. Nigel is sorry about the outcome, but explains that clearly, something is missing. And that’s true. I think one problem is that Danny’s clearly gay, and so people can’t imagine some romantic storyline happening between him and Anya. It’s a damn shame.

Time for the next three: Lacey/Kameron, Sara/Pasha, and Shauna/Cedric. Lacey and Kameron are safe, which hopefully means that Cedric’s in the bottom three tonight. Woo hoo, he is! He’s a nice guy, but it’s time for him to fly off to the Debbie Allen Dance Academy.

Finally, it’s down to Jaimie/Hok and Lauren/Neil. Hate to admit it, but I’m rooting against Hok this time. And so is America — Hok and Jaimie are in the bottom three.

Now is the time on So You Think You Can Dance when we stall, and tonight’s dilatory tactic is footage from the premiere of Hairspray. Of course, they let our little danceketeers tag along. Adam Shankman is one savvy marketer! In the limo, Kameron does a poor Christopher Walken impression. The guys look hot, the girls unfortunately look like streetwalkers. Well, not Lacey, but Lauren particularly looks whored out. Ladies, I’m proud of your healthy self-images, but let’s try to maintain a little mystery. At the afterparty, the dancers get to interview a bunch of the celebs … zzzz. I’m bored. Ha, Amanda Bynes and Zac Efron are in the So You Think You Can Dance audience! Apparently whatever Shankman wants, Shankman gets.

Enough of this. Solo time! Anya’s first, and she’s decked out in a jungle bodysuit. She’s giving it her all, but eh. It’s just your average ballroom solo.

Danny’s next, and he’s shirtless, obviously playing to his strengths. He does one of those Blake McGrath endless spins, and wow, it’s just amazing. He’s phenomenal.

Then, it’s Shauna, and she does a great job, despite a poor song choice — Zombie by The Cranberries. Of all the girls, she’s had the most interesting solos. She’s a good little choreographer.

Cedric’s next, and it’s awesome as always. The boy is sick, unbelievable, wonderful — as long as he’s solo. But this is a partner show, so it’s time for him to go.

Up next, Jaimie. I object to her costume, which looks like a bustier and a skirt made out of rags. Beautiful solo, though. These girls are incredibly strong technically.

Hok’s last, and in perhaps a tribute to Jimmy, he’s dancing to Ease On Down the Road from The Wiz. I love his style; he’s so joyful, even when doing the hard street stuff. He also doesn’t have to resort to a lot of tricks to be entertaining.

The judges truck backstage to make their decision, and OH NO, this means it’s time to watch Hillary Duff sing … I have no use for the Duff. She’s decked out like a genie princess, and pretends to dance along with her backup singers. She looks scared shitless. She’s also obviously lip-synching. CHEATER. And zero stage presence! Go back to the Disney Channel, sweetie, I don’t want to deal with you. Begrudgingly, I will admit that the song is catchy. But it’s not like the Duff had anything to do with that at all. Commercials, please!

Okay, the judges are back, and ready to share with us who’s going home. Nigel says the judges are unanimous about both decisions, and they’re starting with the girls. Aw, they’re all so talented. Jaimie steps forward first, and she’s on the verge of tears. No need to cry, she’s staying. Nigel tells Anya that they don’t like her solos, but tells her they’ve loved her despite it, and … Anya’s staying. Poor Shauna, she never had a chance. Nigel blames the cut on personality and growth, and Shauna takes the news well. I mean, it’s kinda bullshit. There’s no growth because Shauna’s been consistently good. But the other girls make for better TV.

Time for the guys, and Nigel isn’t screwing around. Instead of toying with everyone’s emotions, Nigel cuts Cedric quickly. Cedric knew it was coming, and the two kids have big, gracious smiles on their faces. What a good-looking bunch. Bye, kids! Reality TV’s a bitch! See you next week!

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  1. Best comment, “Poor Shauna”

    I agree 100%

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